The students had to select an image of the exterior of a business online. Their task was to then use the tools on Google Sketch-Up that they were taught to construct a building using their computer that looked as similar as possible to the photograph they found of the business online.
The students first select an animal to draw in it's environment. They then begin carving their design out of the piece of linoleum, paying close attention to positive and negative space. After they have their drawing all carved out of the linoleum the students need to make 3 successful prints in either primary or secondary color schemes by using ink.

The students learn about the history of the Beijing Chinese Opera performers and the importance and meaning of their masks. ( They then create their own mask out of plaster and draw their symmetrical design onto the plaster mask. After selecting 4 colors which meanings derived from the Chinese Opera are related back to their own life they begin painting their mask.
The students are combining their hand and a landscape to create this "handscape". The guidelines are:

-The hand must be the most prominent object

-The hand must be interacting with the environment/landscape

Their final product of their Handscape must have a full range of values and shading making their scene look realistic.