The students learned many different clay techniques for this project. They learned how to roll coils, how to slip and score to properly attach pieces of clay, and how to form a pot shape. They then got to choose their color choices of glaze for the final touch.
The first assignment of the final quarter for this school year was for the students to draw themselves. The students began by taking a picture of their face with their webcam and printing it off. They then had to grid it out like a checkerboard to draw their face onto a larger paper. In the end they had to fully shade themselves with pencil using a light to dark value range. The final step was to apply an area of color to an area of their face that they chose themselves.
The 8th graders first began by drawing sketches while looking at their classmates "model" holding their arms and legs in interesting poses. This allowed the students to visualize the different movements of the body. The students then had to decide what action and movement their figure would be doing. They began sculpting their person out of wire and adding props and clothing to finish it off.
The students had to choose a bug or insect to draw. Once they had it draw they had to use a ruler to divide the bug into 10 sections and then color every other section using warm and then cool colors of colored pencils. They then traced the silhouette of the bugs and glued all three down to a larger sheet of paper.

The 8th graders had to choose a food that was healthy for this art project. They began by drawing the food in their sketchbook. They then had to construct a sculpture of this healthy food to be larger than life-size out of cardboard, newspapers, and tape. Once they were constructed the students paper mache'ed the objects to make them more firm and sculpture-like. They then had to paint them realistically by mixing paints together and adding highlights and shadows to the 3D sculptures.
The students began this project by first learning about the history and traditions that came along with making Mandalas many, many years ago. They then had to come up with their own geometric design that would make up 1/8 of their "pie". They then chose 4 colors to fill in that design and glued a CD down to the middle of it. They continued their design onto the CD with markers.
For this project we were first of all delighted that our local Pizza Ranch in town was willing to donate pizza boxes for the classes to complete this project! This students began by collaging pieces of ripped up newspaper onto their pizza box using modge podge. They then had to select 5 items that they use everyday and are important to them, some chose a wallet, hair straighteners, chapstick, sunglasses, etc. Once they had chosen these 5 items they had to draw them from an interesting perspective onto their collaged pizza box. The students had to draw and paint these objects in the simplistic but unique style of the artist Michael Craig-Martin. When painting the students had to mix at least 2 colors of paint to make the colors they were going to use each time which made for some interesting colors in the end!
The students began this project by being given a piece of wire that was 5 feet long. They then had to twist the wire into an interesting abstract sculpture and shapes. We then nailed the wire down to a block of wood and the students began covering the wire with tissue paper and modge podge to stiffen it up. The next step was to select 2 colors of paint and start one color at the top of the sculpture and the other color at the bottom of the sculpture. Where these 2 colors met in the middle the students had to blend them together so they faded out gently. The students then had learned about Aboriginal dot painting and had to paint dot designs similar to early Aboriginal artists on their entire sculpture.
The students had to select a person that was influential to their own lives. This could be a relative, friend, teacher, musician, actor, anyone that has affected their life positively in some way. They had to get a picture of this persons face and draw a grid of boxes across the picture. They then had to measure to make a bigger grid of boxes on the large white paper they were given. The students had to then draw what they saw in each box square by square on the larger paper. For the background they had to write words/sentences that describe this person and how they were an important aspect of their own life.
The students first found a close-up photograph of a flower or plant on the internet. They then drew the flower onto a piece of black paper simply through observation. The students then traced over their lines with black glue to give the sections boundaries and dividers. They then chose 3 colors of chalk pastels to shade their flower with giving it highlights and shadows to make it look like a 3D form.