The first assignment of the final quarter for this school year was for the students to draw themselves. The students began by taking a picture of their face with their webcam and printing it off. They then had to grid it out like a checkerboard to draw their face onto a larger paper. In the end they had to fully shade themselves with pencil using a light to dark value range. The final step was to apply an area of color to an area of their face that they chose themselves.
The students had to choose a bug or insect to draw. Once they had it draw they had to use a ruler to divide the bug into 10 sections and then color every other section using warm and then cool colors of colored pencils. They then traced the silhouette of the bugs and glued all three down to a larger sheet of paper.

The students began this project by first learning about the history and traditions that came along with making Mandalas many, many years ago. They then had to come up with their own geometric design that would make up 1/8 of their "pie". They then chose 4 colors to fill in that design and glued a CD down to the middle of it. They continued their design onto the CD with markers.
The students had to select a person that was influential to their own lives. This could be a relative, friend, teacher, musician, actor, anyone that has affected their life positively in some way. They had to get a picture of this persons face and draw a grid of boxes across the picture. They then had to measure to make a bigger grid of boxes on the large white paper they were given. The students had to then draw what they saw in each box square by square on the larger paper. For the background they had to write words/sentences that describe this person and how they were an important aspect of their own life.
This assignment was to select an interesting black and white photograph online. Once they printed out a full page picture they had to cut 5 different sized circles out of the photograph. The students then had to draw the missing areas of the photograph filling it in to look exactly like the photograph did before they cut the circles out. It was challenging for them to draw the exact areas and get the shading and values perfect but they succeeded!