The students began this project by being given a piece of wire that was 5 feet long. They then had to twist the wire into an interesting abstract sculpture and shapes. We then nailed the wire down to a block of wood and the students began covering the wire with tissue paper and modge podge to stiffen it up. The next step was to select 2 colors of paint and start one color at the top of the sculpture and the other color at the bottom of the sculpture. Where these 2 colors met in the middle the students had to blend them together so they faded out gently. The students then had learned about Aboriginal dot painting and had to paint dot designs similar to early Aboriginal artists on their entire sculpture.
This project incorporated three different types of artwork from our history. The students first were to draw a wooden figure in whatever position they desired and repeat that drawing 2 more times to have 3 total on their large piece of paper. They were then to select 2 colors of paint. The first drawing was to be painted in a realistic 3D way adding highlights and shadows to the figure. The second drawing was to be painted in a Cubism fashion. To do this the students had to draw 10 random lines with a ruler across their drawing. They then painted every other shape switching colors, and where the wooden figure was in that shape they switched the color again. The third drawing was to be painting in pointillism. This is done by dipping the end of the paint brush in paint and simply making dots on the artwork.